Remote Elm software developer jobs

Browse top remote and work from home Elm software developer jobs at remote companies. Apply now to fully remote opportunities.

What is Elm?

Elm is a functional programming language specifically designed for building web applications. It compiles to JavaScript, which means that developers can write their code in Elm, and it will run in web browsers just like any other website. Elm focuses on simplicity and quality, making it easier to create reliable and maintainable applications. It uses a unique architecture called the "Elm Architecture," which helps manage the state of the application and handle user interactions in a clear and organized way. In the software development cycle, Elm fits into the front-end development phase, where developers create the user interface and ensure that it responds smoothly to user actions. Elm developers write code to build interactive web applications, often focusing on creating clean, bug-free experiences for users while leveraging Elm's powerful features to manage complexity effectively.

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