Remote Web3 software developer jobs

Browse top remote and work from home Web3 software developer jobs at remote companies. Apply now to fully remote opportunities.

What is Web3?

Web3 is a new way of building and using the internet that focuses on decentralization, meaning that it aims to give users more control over their data and online interactions. Unlike the traditional web (Web2), which relies on central servers and companies to manage data, Web3 uses blockchain technology to create a network where users can interact directly with each other. This is done through smart contractsโ€”self-executing agreements coded into the blockchainโ€”that automate processes without needing a middleman. In the software development cycle, Web3 fits in by requiring developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) that run on blockchain networks, ensuring security and transparency. Web3 developers design and build these dApps, often using programming languages like Solidity for Ethereum, and they also work on integrating wallets and other tools that allow users to interact with the blockchain safely and easily.

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