Remote LESS software developer jobs

Browse top remote and work from home LESS software developer jobs at remote companies. Apply now to fully remote opportunities.

What is LESS?

LESS is a dynamic stylesheet language that extends CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to make it easier and more efficient to style web pages. It allows developers to use features like variables, nested rules, and mixins, which help in organizing and reusing styles without repeating code. Essentially, LESS compiles into standard CSS, which browsers can read, making it a powerful tool for web design. In the software development cycle, LESS fits into the front-end development phase, where developers create the visual aspects of a website or application. LESS developers focus on writing and managing stylesheets using LESS syntax, ensuring that the design is not only visually appealing but also maintainable and scalable as the project grows. They work closely with designers and other developers to implement responsive and user-friendly interfaces.

390 jobs found

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